Reivet, Rehabilitation and Veterinary Acupuncture
Reivet is a young company born with the objective of integrating an emerging professional specialty within the veterinary sector, Veterinary Rehabilitation and Acupuncture. Due to the lack of professionalism of this specialty, REIVET comes with a double objective; Complement the services of veterinarians and meet the expectations of the owners.
REIVET is committed to the integration of rehabilitation and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine (MVTC) to respond to the growing demand by veterinarians and owners, who are increasingly demanding in the quality of services.
Its mission is to develop a further treatment option to collaborate with the veterinary clinical sector and complement its services and treatments through the integration of high quality care, products and technologies.
The values that represent and give meaning to REIVET are:
- An innovative veterinary specialty
- Increase the chances of recovery
- Reduction of time in postoperative recovery
- Optimize conservative treatments
- Delay progression in chronic degenerative diseases
- Reduce acute and chronic pain
- Use of new technological advances in the veterinary sector